Nothing strikes fear into a foodservice operator like these five little words: “The Health Department is Here!!”
Let Dine Company, The Restaurant Store take the worry out of health safety inspections. Most operators in our area receive good scores on their inspections. Our experience shows it’s the little things which really take away from their overall score.
Consider these “Top 10 Tips” your first aid kit to stop the bleeding before the health department inspection begins. After all, who wants an unsatisfactory letter hanging in their FRONT WINDOW for months on end? Ouch!
10. Hairnets: If you want an inspector to move it along, have these nets available in all food prep areas and on the production line.
9. Test Strips: HUGE DEDUCTION for not having these strips prominently displayed in all sink and sanitizing areas. We stock the strips used in chlorine or sanitab solutions.
8. Sani-Buckets: We have every color, size and shape to fulfill your specific needs for sanitation. These buckets are a must for table sanitizing cloths, prep areas and production lines. Non-negotiable.
7. Sani-Maid Tablets or Bleach: These products are used in your sanitation buckets and three-compartment sinks. You must have one of these products on hand. Regular ol’ bleach will not do. You must have commercial grade sanitizer tablets.
6. Temperature Sticks: These instant read temperature sticks are a must in the prep area and on the production line. The protective carrying tube with pocket clip makes this a safe and effective way to fulfill this serious requirement.
5. Handwashing Signs: EVERY sink in your building must have a symbol sign posted nearby which instructs employees to wash their hands before returning to work.
4. Day Labels and Rotation Labels: Do not get caught without these. Serious violations can be given if these labels are not properly maintained and rotated on all food products. Clear date codes must be visible on food containers.
3. Refrigeration and Oven Thermometers: The temp must be accurate. The thermometers must be prominently displayed in all refrigeration and ovens.
2. Food Grade Containers and Lids: We have really seen an increase in the enforcement of this regulation. We have every size container imaginable and lids which seal air tight.
1. Food Handling Gloves: Have these everywhere, for everyone. We stock many different kinds and all sizes from small to XL.