The popular country music song made famous by Elvis Presley in the 70’s keeps drifting through my mind these days.

Ok, maybe I’m dating myself just a little, but those of us who grew up between the Boomers and the Gen X’ers remember this popular country ballad like yesterday as “Kentucky Rain” topped the charts and the King of Rock & Roll soulfully sang it from his R&B roots.

These days, the cool Kentucky rain may have you singing “Rain, Rain, Go Away” as the lingering cloud cover continues and the extra-long rainy season has given us all a dose of the blues.

The Spring rainy season has now extended into early Summer and by all accounts, the weather services forecast more of the same pattern through mid-July.

It might be good news if you like multiple shades of gray and bone-chilling damp days, but for me, I’ve been trying to escape the clouds since April and bust into the “Sun & Fun”.  No, I’m not complaining, I’m just looking for some nice blue skies.  As I’ve said before, we are so blessed to live in a region of the country where fresh water is abundant and where our local municipalities supply us with some of the best water quality in the country.

Kentucky rain is just a part of life in the Bluegrass and it makes our region such a beautiful place to live, work, and play.  Hopefully, the rains diminish soon and our true Summer emerges so we can enjoy the landscape of pure Kentucky.

July means vacation time for many families and a change from the dull routines of work and school.  Developing ways to spend time together with family and friends is a healthy way to chase away the blues and restore balance back into your life.

Kentucky, also known as the Bluegrass State, has some of the best parks and recreational resources in the region.  From beautiful lakes to the scenic bends of the Ohio River, there’s something for everyone to participate in and enjoy.

One of my favorite Summertime family vacations is a visit to one of the area lakes for camping and boating, spending hours tubing and skiing, or just sleeping the day away with the boat anchored.  A week at the lake is sure to settle and relax anyone open to soak in the great outdoors.

Cumberland Falls - courtesy of

Cumberland Falls – courtesy of

Perhaps a mini-vacation is the best use of time away.  If your family is busy like mine, ball games and Summer camps are consuming a huge portion of the schedule, but you should take time to plan a family get-a-way to your favorite pool, water park, campground, or lakeside beach.  Kentucky resort parks like Cumberland Falls State Park, Dale Hollow Lake State Park, Lake Cumberland State Park, or Natural Bridge State Resort all offer pools, hiking trails, and lodging amenities with terrific views of the lakes, falls, and beautiful Kentucky countryside.  For more information on these or any other Kentucky parks, please visit

Even if you’re short on time, it doesn’t mean you can’t plan an outing or date night to your favorite riverside restaurant.  The Louisville, Kentucky area offers a large variety of family-friendly restaurants with great food and scenic views of the Ohio River.  Make your evening memorable with a visit to one of these local, independently-owned restaurants featuring some of those great views:

Our seasons promise the Kentucky rain will soon give way to Summer and reveal a kaleidoscope of colors and breathtaking views.  Be sure to take time to enjoy Kentucky, the best playground in the country.

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