Guide to Buying Warming Equipment

Guide to Buying Warming Equipment

In any commercial kitchen, one of the most relied upon appliances that often goes unnoticed is the warming equipment. With the right warming equipment in your kitchen, your staff can confidently churn out dish after dish without hesitation.

Derby Season in the Derby City

Derby Season in the Derby City

From Thunder over Louisville to the Derby, Louisville can only be described as organized chaos from Mid-April through the first weekend in May. There is very precise orchestration and strategic planning for this massive event. All of this magical mayhem seems to happen at once.

Refresh Your Tabletop

Refresh Your Tabletop

When was the last time you decided to refresh your tabletop? Every foodservice professional knows that presentation is crucial to the success of the establishment. Presentation of the food not only involves what the food looks like but the perceived value of the presentation on the tabletop.

Commercial Deep Fryer Safety Tips

Commercial Deep Fryer Safety Tips

Commercial deep fryers create delicious foods, but they require training in both operation and safety. It’s important to note that hot oil can cause burns. Use care when operating, cleaning and servicing the fryer. Spilling hot frying oil can cause severe burns.

The History of Dine Company

The History of Dine Company

Dine Company was founded by Neil Manias in August 1982 after working in research and development at Kentucky Fried Chicken and as a sales engineer for Henny Penny Corporation. Dianne Manias, Neil’s wife and business partner, was the sole office staff.

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