This is the first in a four-part series on designing or upgrading a school cafeteria. The series is tailored for school nutrition directors but information on how various areas of equipment can improve the quality of meals, food safety and energy efficiency are of use to any commercial kitchen operation. Our four areas of discussion are 1) Dish Machines and cleaning, 2) Combi Ovens, 3) Serving Lines, 4) Walk-In Coolers and Freezers. For the benefit of school nutrition directors, each post will address how these pieces of equipment can help in the following areas: 1) improve the quality of school meals, 2) improve the safety of food served in school meal programs, 3) improve overall energy efficiency of school nutrition operations, 4) improve or expand participation in national school lunch program or school breakfast program. We hope you find this series helpful.


School Nutrition and Kitchen Equipment: Commercial Dishwashers

SUMMARY READ: A new commercial dishwasher can:

  • IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF SCHOOL MEALS by ensuring that no leftover particles are left on the dishes, allowing only the flavors of the current meal to come through.
  • IMPROVE THE SAFETY OF FOOD SERVED IN SCHOOL MEAL PROGRAMS by thoroughly cleaning soiled wares. Digital readout temperature gauges ensure that wash water reaches the 180-degree temperature needed to kill germs and sanitize dishes.
  • IMPROVE THE OVERALL ENERGY EFFICIENCY OF SCHOOL NUTRITION OPERATIONS by drastically reducing the amount of water and energy needed to power your dish cleaning program. New model dishwashers can use as little as one-third of a gallon of water per rack cleaned. Including an onboard booster to maintain the high temperatures needed to sanitize can further lower operating expenses.

Upgrading to a new dishwasher may not be the first thought that comes to mind for improving your school kitchen but it offers a way to improve the safety of the food you serve, along with saving energy, water, and money. Clean glasses and dishes are a vital part of your operation.

If your dish machine cannot fully clean soiled wares you open yourself up to immediate issues with your local health inspector, not to mention potential problem areas with state and federal safety regulations governing school nutrition. A new dish machine will put your mind at ease as you prepare a plate of food for the young people you serve, especially models that include a digital temperature readout that ensures you are reaching the 180-degree temperature needed to kill germs and fully sanitize dishes.

Thoroughly clean dishes can also improve the quality of school meals by leaving no leftover particles on the dishes, allowing only the flavors of the next meal on the plate to come through. New model dishwashers have made drastic improvements in energy and water use in recent years. ENERGY STAR-rated models are common and conveyor dishwashers now use as little as one-third of a liter of water per rack, drastically cutting operating expenses.

Jackson's CREW line and Champion's DualRinse are two of the ENERGY STAR-rated dishwashers now available.

Jackson’s CREW line (pictured) and Champion’s DualRinse are two of the ENERGY STAR-rated dishwashers now available.

Dine Company recommends two dish machine manufacturers for school kitchens: Jackson and Champion. Jackson models are made in Kentucky and offer a special warranty for school customers. Jackson’s dishmachine’s offer best-in-class energy-savings. The WISR Cleaning System in Jackson models effectively cleans all surfaces through a deluge of water and heavy agitation while reducing water consumption to an industry-leading 0.35 gallons per rack.

Champion’s well-constructed machine bodies include digital gauges, durable stainless steel start-and-stop switches and a one-piece stainless steel cast sprayer that holds up well with repeated use. Its DualRinse technology allows for ample water for cleaning, cycling its 21-gallon wash tank for a generous 300+ gallons of water every 90 seconds with just more than a half-gallon of wastewater.

Both Jackson and Champion have ENERGY STAR-rated models and have the option for an onboard booster, making their units even more energy efficient by using internal cabin heat to help raise water to the needed temperature. Double-wall insulated doors help retain heat, keeping wash water hot and also keep more heat out of the dish room. Both companies also have the option of service start-up assistance to allow for an easy transition with training staff on the new equipment.

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